Henri Matisse said: “Creativity takes courage.”

I have been a professional photographer since 2009. My dream has always been to create a website like this. Where I can showcase what I like. Not what I am paid to do. 

But I was too scared. Of rejection, of failure. For the past, more or less 12 years of my life I knew I wanted to do this. I took the photos. But I saved them on our server. Too scared to really do anything with them except the odd Facebook post here and there. 

But not anymore. 

“Art is when you hear a knocking from your soul- and you answer”
– Terri Guillemets

I am a big Bob Dylan fan. He said: “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.” 

So this is my time to be a success. To do what I want to do.

Every photo has a story. There is a reason why I took certain photos. I was influenced by the place where I was and my emotions and feelings at the time. That is why I am going to write a little story about the photos I place here. So that you can maybe identify with the photos and my feelings at the time. And sometimes how my thought processes around the photo have developed. Because we are humans. We constantly change.

Thanks for reading this and for looking at my photos.  I hope some of these photos can influence you and make you see the way it made me see, feel and understand.

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.”
― Edgar Degas



I was searching for the answer to this myself. And instead of just trying to sound clever and writing something I decided to go and search what some of the greatest artists the world has ever seen thinks about the subject. 

Maybe you can identify with some or all of these quotes. And maybe it will inspire you to buy an artists painting, photo or sculpture. Listen to someone’s music or read a poem. 

We have so many machine-made items in our homes today, it is nice to have something created by an artist that has a message behind it. Something that took the artist time, skill and creativity.

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

Pablo Picasso


“One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.”

Leonardo da Vinci


“Art and love are the same thing: It’s the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you.”

Chuck Klosterman


“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”



“You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul.”

George Bernard Shaw, Back to Methuselah


“Art is to console those who are broken by life.”

Vincent van Gogh


“The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.”

– Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


“Art is a language meant to speak the things that can’t be said.”

– John Demarco





  • A certificate of authenticity together with the story behind the photo, signed by me.
  • Only 50 photos will be printed in each size from A3 upwards as indicated below. Each photo will be signed and numbered by me. A4 sizes will not be numbered. 
  • Prints of photos can be bought and couriered to any place in the world. 


We have our own Canon PRO-4000 12 colour printer. This ensures the highest quality for you as every print is overseen by me.


  • We can also frame photos and courier it to South African customers. Need to see what the photo you want to buy will look like in your home or office? Read more about our free Mock-up service here. 
  • We can also Diamount photos and send to South African customers. You can read more about it here.
  • A Fine Art Photo makes an ideal and very special gift for a special person, colleague or just someone that needs some motivation or encouragement. We can supply you with a beautiful Gift Certificate.
  • Each photo is a part of me, that will now also become a part of you. I will therefore personally handle all correspondence as I feel that the connection between artist and client is vital. That is also why I have opted not to go the shopping cart route as I feel that this would commercialize this process too much. Please feel free to phone me and just have a chat if you want to discuss something. 

We are currently giving a 35% discount on the prices quoted below. As long As this message is dispayed you still qualify!


Print Size in mm (Long edge)

Approximate Size

Print Only




US $

British Pound






R1 200




R1 700.00

R2 300.00



R3 000




R3 750.00

R4 500.00



R6 000




R7 200.00

R8 500.00



R10 000




R11 700.00

R13 500.00



R15 000

$1 006.04



R17 100.00

R21 500.00​

  • These are estimated prices. As an edition starts selling out prices will be adjusted upwards.
  • Framing prices are an estimate only. There is a myriad of factors that influences the price. Type of frame, Mounting board etc. Prices quoted for framing here include Frame, clear glass, backing board, extra board vacuum pressed unto photo and mounting board 3 cm wide. 
  • The print size is the long edge. Because of the way certain photos are cropped the short edge will differ.
  • Prices do not include courier costs. Please send your address to give you an exact price. Courier Costs in South Africa (including packaging) will be R 300-00
  • Discounts will be given to bigger orders and existing clients.

Please get in contact with me via the Contact form at the bottom or please feel free to contact me directly.